Monday 30 December 2013

Wedding disco - Tortworth Court Four Pillars Hotel, 20/12/13

My last Wedding of 2013 was a big one - and a new venue for me. It was inside the stunning Orangery at Tortworth Court, a Four Pillars Hotel. I'd already visited the venue with the Bride and Groom a few months previously so knew where to set-up my equipment and when the music needed to finish (ie. bang on midnight). The room looked great in the day but even better at night.

Monday 2 December 2013

90th Birthday party - Ex-serviceman's Club, Weston, Bath 29/11/13

I must admit I was a initially a little unsure as to what would be expected of a disco at a 90th Birthday. The family of the Birthday boy knew that a little entertainment in the form of some disco lights and music would be good to keep a medium sized room of guests happy - and who was I to deny them this.